Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wedding Poetry

If you decided you wanted something original, you could go to a site like Poems To Go, which creates original works of art for many different types of subjects, including weddings. They will customize it to your specifications based on whatever information you can give them to enhance the experience. Have you thought about writing your own vows, but you’re a horrible writer? Have you thought about asking someone else to write something for you but you’re unsure what you want? And maybe, as a twist, you’d like a little verse instead of prose, something that might be a little different from the norm? And you could go further with it. A company called New Traditions will actually take your selected wedding poetry and put it on handkerchiefs that you can give out as gifts to the wedding party, family members, or anyone else you feel deserves something special. Of course you can find all sorts of things to add your special words to, including mugs, but you’d have to make sure your poem was relatively short if you had any hopes of people being able to read it.
Turns out you don’t have to do anything except a little research online. There are many sites that have or can provide wedding poetry for you to use at your ceremony. If you want something that already exists there are sites like that have tens to hundreds of poems ready for you by famous writers, that also includes song lyrics. These are public domain works of art so you don’t have to worry about dealing with copyright issues.

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